Saturday, April 05, 2008

Easter Bunny of April Fool's

So we get one day a year where we get to lie, cheat, and steal all in the name of St. Aprilfool. I take these 24hours as seriously and if it goes all wrong at the end of the day... at least I died trying.

Where to start...

On my way home from the gym March 31, I stopped by my friend's car and put a yellow envelope on it that is used by the city for parking tickets. In the envelope I placed a old school awards ribbon that simply said Terrific. I new she would get it first thing in the morning on her way to work and I was pleased with myself.

I looked at my clock and saw that I had thirty minutes until midnight and the turn of March to April. I raced home and started typing on my computer. I created a perfect fake facebook email conversation between a friend and I about Maggie and how she would try to kiss me in when we lived in Hawaii. I sent it to Maggie and planted it perfectly. . . Hook Line and Sinker. I wont go into details because it took a lot of work to build it all up to where Maggie was texting comments like "What!? this is so crazy, I never tried to kiss you!, This is nuts."... yep.

Then I down loaded a bunch of sound effects of phones ringing, had a friend called my friend Danielle and tell her I finally got pulled over and needed my wallet to get out of jail. It was 2am and I do have a warrant for a speeding ticket. She came, never thing for a moment that it was a joke. She found me in my room and we had a good laugh, she was a great sport about it.

First thing in the morning I checked my email and found a calender of events sent to me from THE GREAT KERN COUNTY FAIR, I noticed that the email allowed me to edit what had been sent so I wrote RADIOHEAD would be coming to the fairgrounds with Josh Groben... I really enjoyed the irony so I send out the new info to anyone who I thought would know who radiohead was.

That afternoon (April-1) I was on my way to pick up a gorilla suit when I saw a for rent sign in a yard of a house. This gave me an idea, I turned around and when back to my house and in the shed in our back yard was a "For Rent" sign I remembered seeing.

So I printed up a sign to put on the for rent sign:


$75 per Month
non contract
ask for shaner

Brian and I then put the sign up in Shane's yard and another on his door. This is really funny in Provo where COED housing does not exist. I had people call him all day asking about it. He was so confused, he had no idea. All this when he was trying to trick me with texts that said. "oh man have you seen your bumper?".

He stopped by my house on the way home after work at six so the sign was up for most of the day. We followed him home and got a lot of his reaction of video, she just stood there reading so confused. Then he just started to laugh so hard.

Then it was gorilla time I rented a costume for the day and first went to Amanda's house and she was the only one home. I went in and found her fridge and started rummaging in true gorilla fashion she walked in to see what was going on and. . . it was beautiful, it really gave her a fright.

Then it was off to the bike trial where I sat on top of the pull up bars holding a sing that said Happy April Fool's Day and when people passed they would jump back, read the sign and laugh. Then we went all around town surprising people spreading April Fool's Joy. I was April Fools equivalent to the Easter Bunny or St. Patty's Leprechaun.

When I got home Sam's (my roommate) brother came into his room to grab something. I threw the suit back on and went and got into the back seat of his car. When he came he opened the door and simply said in a very sincere voice, I'm scared.

Next Brian my roommate got home and Danielle came over with a video camera and we jumped in his truck with who ever was the gorilla riding in back. We would pull up to people walking and ask, "do you know where a zoo is in provo?" right then the gorilla would jump up yelling. Oh man this and similar gorilla tricks when on for the next few hours, lot of the time running down the street tapping on car windows at stop lights.

That night I went to Kerianne Dyer's home and sneaked up to her roommates room and hid behind her closet door. Yeah, you can imagine what happened when she walked into her room. She flipped on the light and she was standing with her back to me and so I stepped closer and grunted. Yikes, she was petrified. SHE LOVED IT. Then I took a couple of girls in the ward around to all the guys in our ward homes. We learned no one locks up at night. The gorilla would some times walk in and go to the fridge and grab a bite or go in on a rampage. We made most of people laugh, the rest really confused.

When I got home I looked at the time and just when I thought I was safe. . . Maggie had a surprise visitor come to my house, I answered the door and an innocent looking girl held out a piece of paper with my name on it and ask if that was me, I said it was and in the other hand she held a pie... and pow... right in the kisser. My mouth still tastes like banana cream. You see it was not yet 12am in California.

.. I guess you can trick a trickster.


Teena said...

HA the best part is sams sincere brother saying "im scared."

Anna K. said...

HA! Hillarious!

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

Found you through Anna...this is great! Well done. Chris goes around every Halloween on Iosepa St. in our Gorilla costume and he has been punched in the face by a 15 yr old girl and had a bag of candy thrown at him as kids ran away. I film it wearing the "Scream" costume.


Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

You guys know how to have fun!